Yarm Wellness is a registered charity 1197256
Supporting our community's Well-Being
through Mind & Body Workshops
The Aim
To provide a positive impact on the well-being of the wider community through the provision of creative sessions, peer support groups, community drop in cafes and wellness classes.
To offer a safe space for our community and local charities to engage with each other to reduce the crippling effects of loneliness and isolation.
To have quality providers of yoga, fitness, Tai-chi, and mindfulness who facilitate community paid classes.
The Story So Far
In January 2021 a community-led group that supported the logistics of emergency hampers through the pandemic, had a vision to turn an old underutilised 1852 building into a Wellness Centre.
We had a massive need post COVID for our community of Stockton to reengage and help combat isolation.
In December 2021 a new Charity with a new CIO charitable status, ‘Yarm Wellness’ was born.
We received support from over 25 businesses that have donated materials and labour to help with the internal renovation, supported by the restoration of the external building by the Local Authority.
The site was opened in April 2022 by our Patron Tanni Grey-Thompson.
Within a year of opening we received the 'Catalyst New VCSE award'. The Mayors Award for our 'Commitment to support Carers' and 'A Community Award' from Rishi Sunak in 10 Downing Street.
The Plan
We provide a weekly timetable including peer support groups, drop-in cafes, creative and musical sessions and well-being classes.
Working in partnership with local charities we provide them a safe space and platform to meet the needs of our community.
The Royal British Legion support our a bi-weekly Veterans breakfast. Red Balloons Charity help support women’s health and bereavement support with peer support groups.
MIND run a weekly men’s health session and Macmillan fund our Yoga for people on the cancer pathway.
Local quality providers of well-being run paid classes on site, including Yoga, Tai-chi, Pilates and Mindfulness.
All details of providers are on the website and must be booked directly not through us.
Outside space
Adjacent to the hall there are 3 large via-duct arches that we have secured on lease thanks to Network Rail.
So, coming soon we will have a Man-Shed project, a sensory garden with raised beds and an outdoor yoga and mindfulness area.
Our current supporters moving forward are:
Barclays, Sainsbury's, McDonald's, Darlington Building Society, Tesco, Preston Farm Developments & Tetley
Where do you fit in?
If you have the time to volunteer or would like to sponsor or fundraise for one of our sessions please get in touch!